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Are you truly creating the reality you inhabit?

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

In the previous article, I pointed out an interesting conversation with my cousin where he questioned if he truly created his reality. If this was true, he asked why he would have first invested his money in the stock market and then created a stock market collpase and lost a large sum. It did not make sense??

One possibility I had raised in my earlier post was that 99%+ of our conditioning is in our subconscious or unconscious mind, such as how our heart beats without our conscious awareness. So there is a massive memory structure manifesting our reality. Is this memory individual or Universal? The memory structure includes shared memory of how DNA replicates and cells divide. It includes all the memories of our ancestors and their conditioning, which has come down to us through the generations and helps keep us alive, like how to use fire. It also includes all the memory of how molecules form and how they are supposed to behave.

Why do I call this memory and not the physical world? Think of a car racing video game, and for a moment, think of it as a 3-D virtual reality game. We put on our 3-D goggles or headset, pick up a choice of car, choose the race track out of the options given in the game and then get on the track. We get a real 3-D feel of racing a car, overtaking the other cars, slipping off the track, and sometimes even crashing into nearby buildings. What would you say if I asked you where these cars and the race track you experienced are while sitting in the comfort of your bedroom?

Chances are that you would say that all those experiences are nothing but data or information stored in the computer's CPU. But then, those are just a series of 0's and 1's coding in the computer. So how did they convert to a full-fledged 3-D experience for you? That information of 0's and 1's, which by themselves would mean nothing to us if presented on a sheet of paper, is converted to relevant information fed to the senses and brain and produces the desired experience.

Information and memory are synonymous. Memory is information, and information is something known to us hence part of our memory. The memory, of course, may be directly accessible to our consciousness or remembered, or it may be something in our subconscious, like the information about how the heart beats. We don't know consciously how our heart beats, but our body and our DNA know. Look carefully, and you will realize the DNA in every cell of our body knows how the heart beats, else it can never create a being whose heart beats. It has a program built inside it, which comes to fruition in the form of a human being. How similar is this to the 0's and 1's in the CPU, which comes to fruition as a game you experience?

I am postulating that it is not a physical world you are interacting with; it is just information reaching your brain that you interpret. Even the table you see on the other side of the room is information in your brain that you have interpreted as a table, comparing it to your historical memory. So we cannot say for sure that the table is out there, as you cannot say that the Mustang you expereinced in the 3 D virtual reality game you played was there in your bedroom.

All information is in your head, always! You can never climb out of your mind and consciousness, ever! The primary assumption you make as you interact with physical reality is that everything outside looks, feels and smells exactly like you see in your mind. This assumption is definitely wrong in the case of the video game where the outside world is a series of 0’s and 1's coding. But we feel pretty sure things tally exactly what we feel and see in the physical world.

I will evaluate this assumption in further detail in my next post.....

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