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Yoga at Home

i-Infinity Transformations 

Have you ever considered that you may have created your present reality? Could you have been attracting people and situations in your life unconsciously and creating the circumstances you are experiencing? If so, can you make this process conscious and restructure your life as you wish?


If you are truly manifesting your reality, should you not attempt to create an energizing and joyful existence, living your life to its highest potential? This program will create a paradigm shift in your understanding of reality by questioning your deepest assumptions and then take you step by step through a practical, easy to implement process to create the life you desire. It sets you on an exciting path of self-discovery and reclaiming control over your life no matter what your stage of life you are at. A sample of Session 1 below.....

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i-Infinity Session 1 
Paradigm Shift 1  
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